Manoa, Oahu born and raised, Seth paddles for Ka Lahui Kai during Regatta and Distance Season, and has an impressive paddling resume under his belt already, traveling for races at home and abroad. Currently in Kanagawa, Japan for school, we are happy that he has such a great paddling community to join up with, with Kenny Kaneko leading the charge to grow the sport of va'a in Japan.

HOMETOWN: Manoa, Hawai'i
DAY JOB: Full time student.
WHEN YOU'RE NOT PADDLING YOU'RE: Exploring the world and looking for snow.
MORNING OR EVENING PADDLE: Morning is the best way to start your day.
FAVORITE RUN: Makai pier run with Rufus at Gorge in a near second.
FAVORITE PRE-RACE MEAL: Chocolate chip pancakes and bacon.
FAVORITE HYPE SONG: Howlin' for you by the Black Keys.
DREAM PADDLING RUN/ADVENTURE: My dream adventure would be paddling the coast of the Pacific Northwest.
BEST PIECE OF ADVICE YOU HAVE EVER RECEIVED: Time and commitment are the best avenue of a person's growth.
YOUR ADVICE FOR THE NEXT GENERATION OF PADDLERS: Paddling is competitive but take the time to meet and make friends with everyone in our sport